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PeachPie - PHP compiler to .NET
The modern Roslyn-based PHP compiler and runtime for .NET & .NET Core.
- Bring your legacy PHP apps to the modern .NET environment
- Interconnect PHP and .NET modules seamlessly
- Boost the performance and security of your PHP apps
Online REPL allowing you to paste PHP code and instantly see the CIL output PeachPie compiles it to, including the option of decompiling to C# or seeing the syntax tree.
- Real-time compilation of pasted PHP code to CIL bytecode
- Syntax error underlining and PeachPie code analysis
- Decompilation to C# or syntax tree view

WordPress on .NET
WordPress running on .NET Core. Combines the richness and user-friendliness of WordPress with the robust, fast and secure .NET Framework.
- Managed SaaS version of the most popular CMS running on .NET Core
- Enhanced security and performance
- Seamless background updates and safe, error-free plugins

Meet the team

Jakub Misek
Co-founder & CTO
Ben Fistein
Co-founder & CEO
Robert Husak
Senior .NET developer
Petr Houska
.NET developer